Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vassen Cloud Nine Violet sponsored review by Shoppingholics.com

Hello everyone, hope you are doing well!! Today I'm going to review the Vassen Cloud Nine Violet, kindly sponsored by LoveShoppingholics.com !
They have an awesome costumer service and carry a great variety of circle lens, lashes and makeup *__*!

-Colour: ★★★★★ - OMG!! these are purple!!! all the purple CL I have gotten before do not show up on my dark eyes and make my eyes look black ><U, It was a nice surprise to finally get purple CL that look purple XD! <3!
-Comfortableness: ★★★★★- Really comfyy!! 
-Enlargement-★★★★☆-These are perfect if you don't want to make your eyes super huge!
-Overall ★★★★★OK I'm officially a VASSEN FAN!!!! I have gotten 4 pairs of Vassen CL from Shoppingholics.com and they are all awesomeee!! the colours are vibrant and they are always comfy!

Now pic time!! ^0^!!

Seriously is so hard to find purple CL that show up this well on dark eyes like mine >< I have tried some in the past and they didn't look purple xD!! I used to tell everyone not to get purple lens cause your eyes were going to look black, but these CL have prove me wronggg!!

If you like them GET them HERE!!
For every order of CL you make you get a FREE cute animal case + a face or eye mask!!
And you can also use my DISCOUNT CODE: 1000161850
 To get $2USD off!!

That's it for todayyy ^___^!!!
 Bye bye