Monday, October 22, 2012

I'm back!! Lots of fun things! ^__^! Gal slumber party + Nightwish!

Hello everyone!!! ^0^!
Haven't blog in a looooong time o__o! sorry but I was sick for a whole week.. grrr, stupid weather. Oh well last Saturday Kathy and I went to Michi's house in L.A!! Yep yep we had an awesome gal slumber party!!

First we ate lots of nom nom food and candy! Tricia and Kathy made Lasagna!! plus there was also Sashimi, Gyaoza,  corn dogs..?  and I don't remember 
what else cause it was a lottttt!
Michi decorated her house super cute! I could feel the
 halloween spirit everywhere xD <3!!

First we chilled at Michi's place we drank,
 smoked Hookah and talk xD

After that we walked to the karaoke ^0^!
As some of you might know I love Karaoke soo muchhh!!! We sang a lot of songgsss! I think I sang like 7+ songs or something!! I don't remember but it was so much fun!!
We were there for more than 2 hrs xD!

After that we walked back to Michi's and changed into our pajamas!!
Victoria had the cuttest pajama and won a super awesome prize!! ^0^8!

The next day we were all tired @__@! I could hardly open my eyes XD!
I hope we do this more often, is tons of fun ^___^!
Thanks to Michi for everything, the party was a success!

And couple weeks ago I went to see Nightwish *___*!! It was good!, but I was kind of disappointed ;____; I miss Tarja!!
Oh well I had fun ^__^!

My outfit xD everyone was wearing black! I was the golden girl xD!
Couldn't take good pics cause there were tall peopel in front of me ¬¬U
I hate super tall people that block the view xD!

Oh well that's it!!!
I'll review some new CL I got from next post ^0^!

That's it for today
 Bye bye