Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Exciteddd!! Gals= Happiness!

Hi everyone!! Is 1:30 am and I'm not sleepy so I was looking at my old pics and got inspired to post them lol!
 I'm so excited cause this Saturday I'm going to see my super pretty gals *__*! we are having a gal slumber party yay! Michi and I are hosting it, I'm so excited!! Michi is soo nice and sweet ;_____;! she is putting so much effort into it, wish I lived in L.A so I could help her more >//<!!
Anyways we always have so  much fun, everyone is so nice ;___; I'm so grateful for having them as my friends seriously, I'm not social at all and before I met them I didn't have many friends >.>!

I don't usually write posts like this lol! oh well! I wanted to express what I felt XD!
And I'm going to Disneyland to celebrate halloween!!! with Kathleen, Rosie and Courtney I'm so excited for that too ;____;! wahhh so happy!

Oh well that's it for today, I'll blog about the slumber party as soon as I'm back from it. We are doing a bunch of fun activities and we are having a mini potluck with yummy food (Lasagna, sushi, cupcakes etc *¬*)

That's it for today!
Bye bye