Hello everyone!Hope everyone is having fun :D! I love halloween so much!
So on Friday we went to Disneyland to celebrate halloween since they had an special halloween event! They had trick or treat trails so we got lots of candy!!
At the sleeping beauty castle!!
Courtney was a witch, Kathy a vampire and Rosie and I manba xD
We got ready together at my house so I think our makeup turn out pretty good! (to be the first time we tried it @__@!)
We took more videos than pics XD! I'll edit them during the week!
We were all sad cause Kathy got sick on the first ride ;_____;! so she had to go stay at her car the whole night.
Rosie was My Melody and I was Hello Kitty!! ^0^
Courtney and I :D!
Rosie, Courtney and I ^__^!
And while we were walking this two people from the Disney staff walked up to us and gave us a map and told us we had to take a pic at the Tiki thing @__@U.. we didn't know what was going on but we did it cause we thought they were going to give us an awesome prize, but they just gave us a map and a hug ¬¬U....
Oh well we had tons of fun!!
and went on a lot of rides *____*! I love Disneyland!
I'll post the video here as soon as I edit it XD!
That's it for today hope you all are having an awesome Halloween weekend!
Bye bye