Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fav Gaijin Gyaru part 1

Hello everyone!! Today I'm going to show you my favorite gaijin gyaru!^__^
This is the first part, since I have so many gaijin gals I admire and I don't want to make this post really long XD!
(hope they don't mind me taking their pics xP):

She is the first Fav gaijin gal I had xD, when I saw her in I wanted to be like her someday! She was always so helpful, nice and looked like a barbie XD! <3 
She is just awesome!

She is an Spanish gal and always makes silly faces XDD!
She is so funny and her coordinates are super cute *__*!

Another of my fav Latin gals!! she is super niceee *__* and her style is sooo cuteee!!
She has improved really fast too, which I really admire ^__^!

She is soo cute and sweet! plus all her coordinates are awesomeeee
*__* another gal that really puts effort in her style and improves super fast!

she has like the perfect face XDD! seriously, her eyes always look soo cool *0* and I'm a big fan of her hair skills XD !

She is sooo sweet and pretty ;___; <3 I love her coordinates and when I become a gal mama (in like 7 years XD) I want to look as amazing as she does XD! (hopefully lol)

I really love her style sooo muchhh! her coordinates are amazing and she has the perfect body XD!
Plus her hair is so voluminous and perfect!

That's it for today I'll make a part 2 someday XD
cause I still have a bunch of fav gaijin gals to add to the list lol XD!
Bye bye!