Saturday, August 25, 2012

Meeting Canadian gal Kathy +Purikura *0*!

Hello everyone!! Yesterday I met Kathy
a super pretty Canadian Ga!
I went to L.A with Kathleen and we meet up with  Cindy, Kathy, Tricia and Marissa at Round 1 to take purikura :D!!

Since the Purikura machines have awesome lighting we too some pics inside XDD!:

Me and Kathy!
Pretty Kathy and my weird face @__@U

Cindy and I!!
We played Fast and Furious and the first time I won and she ended up in 2nd place, so we played again and Cindy won and I got 2nd place XDD.  Next time we'll have a deadly race to see who wins! o___o!!

Me and Kathleen! She looks like a doll XD <3
I look sleepy for some reason @__@

Cindy, Kathy and I :D!

And here is the Purikura we took!!!

And this is what I bought xD

That's it for todayy!!
Bye bye!!