Hello everyone!! Hope you are all doing fine!
I started school 2 days ago D:. I wasn't excited to begin with, but now I'm mad, I was on the math waiting list and there wasn't enough space for me, so now I have to go an extra semester just to take that class grr, I was supposed to graduate this semester but thanks to that I'll graduate next year :/ Plus my Art history class is online and I'm not good at online classes, cause I get distracted, but that was the only class available thanks to budget cuts. And on top of that the only class I'm taking on campus is Graphic Design production from 7pm-9pm !!!!! too lateeee!
This semester sucks -______- I hate budget cuts. Oh well..
This semester sucks -______- I hate budget cuts. Oh well..
Here is what I wore the first day of school xD
Simple, comfy and fresh :D
Outfit I wore the other day!
It was sooo hot and humid D:!
It was sooo hot and humid D:!
And here is a random video we took at Little Tokyo the other day XDD
We were having way too much fun @w@!
That's it for today XD
Bye bye!