Monday, September 19, 2011

Gyaru improvement meme XD

Hello everyone!! :D today I'm going to show you my gyaru improvement meme XD. I took it from Lizzie a super cute gal and here is the link to get the format!
I think I have improved *w*, what do you think?
Ok, so  I haven't been a gal for a long time XDD (as you can see), but I can say this :ANYONE can be gyaru!!  just put effort in your make up and hair!:D
And yeah when I say ANYONE  I mean it: skinny, fat, white, yellow, black, brunette, blonde, ginger, tall, short, curly hair, straight hair!!  So be motivated and don't let other people bring you down!  Also having your own style it's important, you don't want to be a copy, individuality rocks! XDD haha..
Hope my weird newbie speech motivates you! :3.
Be happy!! ^0^  and let's improve everyday!


  1. heya! u look awesome! i still prefer u curl your hair though! please do follow my blog at!=)

  2. Wow, I really like your August make-up!

  3. yay for the gyaru meme!!! :D why do you stop curling your hair like you used to be? i think you look great with curl! ^_^

  4. thank you :D, I think it only looks good in that pic XD in other pictures I look evil XD hahaha

  5. Aww thank you so much!! you are also super pretty!! :3 <3

  6. Because I have to wake up at 5:30 am to go school D: so I don't have time to curl my hair T__T wahh! But I curl it in special occasions or when I have time :D <3

  7. Yay,thank you! :D you are a cutie too *w* <3

  8. me neither T_T i remember that july photo haha, your signature in ricoche :b

  9. I don't think you've improoved much, because as I see you look very pretty on all photos :)

  10. Aww. Thank you <3 haha I showed this to my mom and she told me the same thing XDD

  11. yesssh Okashi ^_^v
    you are so right! It is great to encourage people to be gyaru no matter how they look like or who they are! Just be what you want to be. ^_^ teeehee~ <3 Gambateh on your looks! You look very gorgeous!
