Friday, February 10, 2012

L'oreal extra bleach blonde review! *0*

Hello everyone!! yesterday I dyed my sister's hair! I used  the "205 extra bleach blonde by L'oreal" It was around $8 at Target!.
And since my sister's hair is long we got 2 boxes!

Each box comes comes with this: (and gloves +instructions XD)

This is the before pic! as you can see her hair is brownish/gold and her roots black:

We left the hair dye for 45minutes!

And this was the end result! as you can see it turned out super light!

Before and After
★It doesn't damage the hair as much as bleach does
★Easy to use
★Price is ok
★Doesn't take that long
★No need to use foil
★The top thing to apply the hair dye (cap) got clog!  so I had to pour it in a container and use a brush to apply it.

★Since this works as bleach, we are going to apply blonde hair dye to make the colour more vibrant and uniform (we'll provably do it next week)
★ Be careful with clothes, carpets and skin (specially if you have a tan XD) this will stain anything!

Here are some pictures of my sister's hair: 
****As you can see she had super black hair in December, 2011, then she got her hair professionally bleached at a salon, It took 4 hrs to turn it brown. 
And now it's finally blonde!
 I do NOT recommend to bleach it yourself if your hair it's super dark, get it done at a salon and then you can use a product like the one we used to make it lighter.
That's it for today and hope this review helps if you want blonde hair :D!
Have a nice day and be happy *0*!


  1. woah so this is the one that you told me earlier? *___*
    the result looks so good! wish i had it in my country ;(

  2. Just wanna say that your sis is so pretty ! xD

  3. :O She's beautiful with all colours! *0*
    I want a bleach blonde too, but maybe after having it cut! I don't want to go to a salon so maybe I'll buy an Schwarzkopf product called "Nordic Blonde", do you know it?

  4. Ay, siempre te escribo en inglés porque tus entradas estan en ingles, y me confundo xDD

  5. She see so good!
    Love <3

  6. amazing color .. looks really good :D

  7. Wow! Your hair looks really good!

  8. Wooow creo que le quedo hermoso el color !!!! ^^

  9. Love it! I hope you plan on staying blonde.

  10. Me encanta ese color rubio! (y le favorece mucho a tu hermana)

    Yo me lo puse una vez, y estoy pensando en volverlo a hacer!
    Veo que eres 1/2 como yo :D y viviendo en otra parte jajaja! Ya me he puesto a seguirte, no me perdono no haber visto el blog antes! me encanta!

    Kisses ~

  11. So sad that germany doesn´t offer such cool products for hair! It looks really cool and I like all color of your sisters hair! <3

  12. I think so, I have Alzheimer XDDD!. aww hopefully they sell it soon in your country :D!

  13. Aww thank you, I'll let her know :D!

  14. jajaja XDD no te preocupes eso pasa!!!, no eh escuchado de ese producto o__o! pero si se siente raro cuando se escribe en ingles y espanol! haha XD somos bilingues o_o! <3 niceee!

  15. It's not my hair XD, it's my sister's haha!

  16. awww que bueno que te guste! :D! mi herman tambien le gusto mucho!

  17. Yeah I love being blonde!! but maybe I'll get tired of it in a year or so XDD! hahah!

  18. siii ser rubia es genial XDD! hahaha hace que se vea mas joven *__*! lol!.
    Aunque devo decir que te queda muy bien el color que tienes actualmente!, pero aveces uno se aburre de tener el mismo color por mucho tiempo XDD! y si ya lo tuviste rubio al menos a sabes que se te ve bien :D! <3 cuidate tambien te sigo! yay por gyaru latinoamericanas! <3

  19. aww D:! I bet they are going to start selling them in Germany soon!. Awww thanks I'll tell her, she had black hair for a long time XDD so she finally got tired of it and decided to dye her hair another colour haaha!

  20. omg! it works SUPER GOOD!!!!

  21. tfghhdfghdrtgdrgdrgdrgrsgergwegdrheryhsdrh

  22. suck my dick


  23. dasdasdadasdasd
