Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My rhinoplasty questions *0*!

Hello everyone XD! so a week ago I got a rhinoplasty. 
here you can read my last post about it.
Here are some of the questions:

★★Did it hurt?
A-Not really xD, the surgery took 2 hrs but it felt like 2 min cause I was under the influence of anesthesia @_@! and after the surgery it only hurts if you move your upper lip too much!!

★★Did they have to break your nose?
A-Yes Dx, because my nose was already broken so they had to finish breaking it @_@...but even if your nose is not broken they might have to break it.

★★How much was it?
A-The cost depends on your location, here in San Diego the average is between $6,000-$8,000. I heard in San Francisco is $11,000 and in Chile is $3,000 so it all depends on where you live :)!

All my medicines and Vitamins + presents from the Doctor and staff *0*!
★★Where you in pain after the surgery?
A-Nope, I could walk and think perfectly fine :D but even though I was feeling "good" I needed to rest plus the pills they give you for pain make you fall asleep @_@U..The first day of surgery my friend Gabby took care of me, and the second day I stayed all by myself but my mom left lunch in my room and then my sister came to feed me xD. But I could go to the bathroom and stuff without any problem :D! so there was provably a 5% pain lol!

★★Did you get bruises or raccoon eyes?
A-I did not! I was very surprised I didn't get anything @_@! I thought I was going to look like a raccoon! I just got swollen, so I would apply packs of ice over my eyes 2 times a day :3 !

★★Does it take a long time to recover?
A-After the second day I could cook and go down stairs and after that you just have to do quiet activities for a week; watch tv, use computer, stay in bed all day and be lazy xDD. Even though the Doctor already removed my cast (1 week after surgery) he said that I could not do too much stuff such as shores and walk a lot for the following 3 weeks xD yay!!  cause my nose can get swollen by over doing something.
With my cast on xD and my nose right after the cast was removed (that's why it looks shinny Dx)
★★When are you going to be able to see how your nose will look permanently?
A-I read that after 7months -1 year.. I need to ask my doctor xP. But the nose I have now and will have for the next couple months is not the final result, since it takes time for the skin to take the shape of your new nose :D!

Extra facts:
★It doesn't hurt but it's uncomfortable cause you have to breathe through your mouth for 1 week >0<
★You have to drink water through a straw xD
★You have to sleep with your head elevated for 1 month (2+ pillows)

So yeah basically that's it! so don't be afraid of getting a rhinoplasty it doesn't hurt as much as you think!.. and research your doctor very well before getting one D:!!! look at the pictures of his/her previous work, his/her resume, all the schools he/she went to etc. And I recommend getting someone that specializes in facial plastic surgery :D!
That's it for today and hope that answers all your questions!
Bye bye!! *0*


  1. Thanks for creating this post ^^ I'm sure a lot of people wanted to know the answers haha

  2. I want to get one too! Hmmm :-) Maybe when I get a job. >:D< A hug for being such a brave girl. Love you!! <33

  3. It looks great. You are so pretty, before and after :) I also want one, just a smaller nose, lol.

  4. your nose looks great *_* I also think of getting a nosejob done since I have a similar problem XD my nose broke when I was 12 >0> I'm just 2 afraid to go to the hospital (argh doctors ARGH injections ARGHDL/$§)

  5. It looks amazing! this stuff is really interesting, the nose breaking bit makes me cringe though :P haha x good luck with your recovery! <3 xxxx

  6. I feel so much better after reading this !!! Thank you so much for writing this ! i hope i can make my surgery soon too <3 thank you !!!

  7. It looks amazing for being so newly done! I'm having rhinoplasty too when I can afford it.

  8. the result looks very nice ;) But I´d be afraid that I may not recognize myself when looking in the mirror after a plasic surgery :(

  9. OMG!!! ODIO ODIO ODIO dormir con la cabeza en alto.. me es super incomodo.. mi almohada normal es suuper plana XDDDD
    Me alegra que lo lleves taqn bien Nina! Se te ve genial, la pregunta mas importante es si estas contenta!! Pero creo que si que lo estas!
    Muchos besazos y te deseo una pronta recuperacion!

  10. It already looks good! I'm glad everything has gone well for you so far!

  11. It looks like you are pretty fine! Im happy things went so right! Please take care of yourself!

  12. Waaa, impresionante!!! Me pareces muy valiente, yo no me habría atrevido, me dan pánico las agujas y la sangre, así que sólo de pensarlo... Uuuf!! Me alegro de que te estés recuperando bien! ^^ Espero muchas fotitos pronto! :) Un beso!

  13. Thanks for answering so many questions! It makes me feel braver. I want to get mine done! XD

  14. its so interesting to read about your procedure. I have thought once or twice to get my nose done too, but I probably would never been able to afford it in my life >< I'd be so scared to get my nose broken too .. (i have a low threshold for pain lol) It's already looking good in the after pic though! Although I think you were still super cute with your old nose too! Hope you have a steady recovery!

  15. Aww yeah no problem!! :D! I'm glad this post answered your questions too!

  16. Thank you!! Anna! I'm feeling so much better! :3

  17. xDDDD hahaha or when you win the lottery and become a millionaire! *__*!!! you need to playyy lottery xDDD! I'll start playing so we can buy pink convertibles! <3 love you too Marion! *3*

  18. awww don't worry they one give you one injection xD..I'm kind of afraid of neddles too so I turn my head the other way and didn't feel a thing *__*! after that I felt asleep @_@...

  19. I knowww I was watching youtube videos of rhinoplasty and I was almost crying cause it look too painful @__@!!.. but it not painful at all xD so yay!

  20. aww I'm glad you feel better about rhinoplasty now :D! It is not painful ^__^

  21. haha depends of what you want to do with your nose, I just removed the bump so I will look the "same", but If you want the nose of Michael Jackson then I would really be afraid of look at myself in the mirror XDDDDDDDD!

  22. yo tambiennnn! para mi mientras mas plana la almohada mejor XDDD!!! pero creo que ya me estoy acostumbrando a la altura ;__;!
    Y sii Natt estoi super contenta desde hace años quiero arreglarme la nariz XDD! haha gracias por tus buenos deseos guapa *3*!

  23. Thank you!! yeah It went better than I expected :D so I'm really pleased!!

  24. yo creo ya me acosttumbre me han operado 2 veces del estomago XDDDD me hize inmune a la cirugia o__o!.. Gracias por tus buenos deseosss ^__^ cuidate guapa! <3

  25. yeahhh!! It is not as bad at it seems xD!! I'm happy everything turned out better than I expect it! :3!

  26. wow. I was planning to get my nose done as well and reading your post makes me more prepared physically and emotionally=) I was afraid of getting hurt so much but because of what I read from you and other bloggers, I'm starting to get over my fear and gonna go for it. You made it sound soooo easy and did I mention it looks great? Anyway, I hope you're having a blast!

  27. “So don't be afraid of
    getting a rhinoplasty it doesn't hurt as much as you think!.. and research your
    doctor very well before getting one..” Well, that’s good to hear. It is an
    assurance for those who are kind of hesitant because of the pain. Also, you
    have a good point. An individual should indeed use all possible ways to make
    sure that they are going to have a reliable surgeon. After that, they should
    ask their surgeons about any lingering concerns they might have, so they can be
    sure they will be advised of all the possible things that could happen during
    and after the surgery.

  28. Good for you, Okashi. It's kind of rare for a person that had undergone rhinoplasty to say that he/she didn't have any bruises after the surgery. I suppose having bruises on your nose is quite normal if you undergo rhinoplasty. But, in your case, you didn't. It might be the type of procedure your surgeon conducted on you.

    Geoffrey Lelia

  29. i heard when you getting a rhinoplasty you can smell burning bacon.

  30. When considering a rhinoplasy, the first step is getting a cosmetic surgeon evaluate your nose and speak to you about your expectations. Your physician will go more than your choices and what method will work very best for you personally also because the risk factors you should be aware of. rhinoplasty manila

  31. Is it possible to conserve the original bottom shape of the nose after a rhinoplasty

  32. “...and research your doctor very well before getting one...”— This passage can be a good reminder to everyone, Ninoshka! Nowadays, it's hard to trust and find a good cosmetic surgeon that would give you all the services that would fit your needs. So, it's still best to look for a surgeon that has proven his reputation to the industry.
