Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diamond Lash Princess eye, my fav lower lashes REVIEW and care guide!

Hello everyone!! omg it's been a while ;__;!! sorry I haven't had time to do anything T__T even on my "spring break" I was really busy!! I was home doing art homeworkkk D:, lameee ><..!!
Oh well a lot of you always ask what kind of lower lashes I wear
so today I'm going to review them and give you some tips of how to take care of them :D!!
Diamond Lash Princess Eye! :)!

Price ★★★★★- I can get them at my local store for $13 so I think it's a really good price for 5 pairs!! way cheaper than Dolly Wink XD!. But If you want to get them online they are $18-20 +shipping ><....
Design ★★★★★- My favoriteee sooo far!!, well I haven't try another design yet cause I'm in love with this one XD!
Comfort ★★★★☆- Since these are big you can feel them, specially the first time you wear them, so when you get use to them you won't have any problem :)! (it also depends on where you place them).
Durability ★★☆☆☆- These lashes are so freaking delicateeee!! D:< you have to be super CAREFUL grrrrrr. You cannot remove the glue cause they break easily -___-U. You can wear them a maximum of 7 times.

-Since they break really easily do NOT try to remove the glue, they
will break D:!!!!
-Be careful taking them out of the package -___-U....(yep I destroyed my brand new lash ;__;! so sad)
-Apply them using tweezers :D

And here is a guide I made XD:

That's it for today!! hope that helps XD! I promise I'll blog more often as soon as I'm out of school ;__;! meeehh!
Bye bye!


  1. lol okay good, so I'm not the only one who had an issue with them being so damn delicate! I wish I had scissors that small to save mine like you did though :<

  2. I never thought of cutting the glue. I used to use tweezers to pull the glue off but I always had problems. Thanks for posting this up :D

  3. Awww qué suerte que puedas comprarlas en la tienda T^T ¿Por qué en España no venderán nada japonés? Joe me voy a poner de mala leche... no gano lo suficiente como para que mi madre me deje gastar dinero en false lashes ;3; tendrán que ser regalito de mis 22 añicos y aun queda D': (Hoy estoy llorona xD).

  4. Thanks for this trick!!! my eyelashes ask me for help!!!
    Beautiful eyes!!
    kiss dear

  5. que padre que consigas las pestanias cerca de tu casa y estan a buen precio :D!!! me gusto mucho tu makeup y esos ojazos verdes *3* te hicite el ojo como gatuno XD te queda genial *3* e lo malo con las princess que son bien delicadas uuuuy Xd n_n

  6. soak it in make up remover until the glue becomes soft, then pull it off with tweezer, that's how I clean falsies ^^

  7. This bottom lashes match with your upper lashes!! and ilvoe daiomand lashes too<3 cheaper than Dolly Wink!!

  8. I usually clean my falsies that way, but I do not recommend to do it with Princess Eye x_x soaking them in remover also removes the glue from the lash (the one that keeps together the 'hairs' and the transparent band) and it will just break. So sad :(
    I don't know about other lower lashes from Diamond Lash! All my upper lashes from Diamond L. seems to handle well that method...

  9. Amo esas falsies de abajito tambien*^*
    Soy la tooonta de las "pestañas con piquitos" jajajaja (yo las llamo asi!)
    Yo no limpio las falsies, pero si tiro del pegmento "se va" como si fuera "tirando de un hilo"... no se si es por la marca del pegamento o no , pero es muy comodo tambien *^*

  10. i also use these lashes,but i can remove glue from them easily and they don't break)

  11. I always wanted to try these exact lashes, but if they're so delicate I have no doubt I'll end up ruining them >.<

  12. Anda! Nunca había visto ese método de limpiar las pestañas OwO
    Yo lo que hago es sumergirlas en agua durante un rato, el pegamento se ablanda y luego ya directamente tiro un poquitín y sale enseguida! :3

    Por cierto, mírate las pestañas de este vendedor de ebay. Creo que te resultará muy útil :DD


  13. Tu make up me encanta!!!! eres tan hermosa nino! love ya 4ever! yo la verdad para quitar el exceso solo lo jalo xD con mucho cuidado y listo quedan super limpias hahahaha love u nino MUAK!

  14. *____________* omg, amo esas pestañas!! creo que son las diamond inferiores que más me gustan!!!

  15. wow ^^ i've wanted to buy those lashes the other day ^^thanks for the review!~

  16. I hate that they're so delicate! I ruined the first pair I tried to take out of the packaging XD So I cut that pair into separates and used them that way. Accurate review! Great design too fragile though :(

  17. I knoww at first I also thought I was the only one but then I started reading other people complain about how delicate they were XDD! so I was like "ok I'm not alone XD"

  18. ww tratare ese metodo con estas pestanas especificamente.. aunque dudo que funcione... estas pestanas son super delicadasss! -____-.... si con tan solo sacarla del paquete se deforma grrrr... XD

  19. really!!?? you are like the first person that can remove the glue without them breaking apart XD!! I trie removing the glue from 3 of them and broke them all -____-...so I never tried it again... meee!

  20. maybe it depends on glue?!hmmmmm

  21. esas no las he probado y no sabía que eran tan frágiles O.O!
    dios me encanta tu ojo!!qué bien te maquillas y qié bien te queda!!a mí a veces me quedan los ojos como un alien!>_<

  22. Your eyes look sexy. ^^ I wish I could find cute lashes locally...

  23. I know this is old but please may I know what kind of falsies the top row are in that photo? *0*
