Monday, March 19, 2012

Me back in 2007 o___oU

Hello everyone!!! today I was looking at my old pics and omg XDD! found some from 2006-2007!!!!
I though I was super cool back in the day lol..

 ***Me from the past- I'm a metalhead !!!, I'm super rude and mean so don't mess with me or you'll get hit  >:D
Actually I never got into a fight o__o! I think it's because I looked "scary" and walked like a man, plus everyone thought my boots had metal inside lol. Such a weirdo! but now I analyze my pics and realize I don't look as scary as I thought I did XDDDDDDD! wahh!

This is the first time I dyed and cut my hair all by myself XD

I used to have green and purple contact lenses :3
(and obviously a shitty hair straightener XDDDD)

If you had a weird style back in the day and though it was cool
tell me about it :D!!!
That's it for today!!!
Have a nice day
Bye bye!!


  1. I used to into visual kei and I looked at my old pics a few weeks before, and yes...
    Oh God Why . . .

  2. hello Ninoshka ^_^ I have been reading your blog for awhile and you're really beautiful *_* I have been too shy to comment earlier ;;; Your style back then was cool X;;DD At least cooler than mine,,, I was participating in decora style and OH GOD!!!!!! I am so embarrassed now. Hehe..anyways, thanks for writing blog :D You're such a big inspiration for me as I am trying to improve my style I hope I can be as pretty as you someday :D

  3. hahahaha! same with you! metaaaalll rock!! jajaja new rocks boots ...fantastic years...XDDD
    but always cutie dear!o.o beautifull
    kiss and hug

  4. que cambiada con el pelo oscuro !

  5. Me he identificado contigo en la tercera foto!! jaja solía ir vestida bastante oscura (y aun lo hago a veces, pero muuy de vez en cuando). Tuve una adolescencia bastante emo xD me fascinaban los contrastes.

  6. Cuando veo mis fotos del 2007 o así a mi todavía me gustan, tenía un estilo distinto pero me veo bien (quitando que pesaba 15 kilos más xD). SIn embargo mis fotos de 2005 y así... Dios! Parecía que me vestía a oscuras, no usaba maquillaje, siempre iba con una cola de caballo y con todo el pelo con frizz porque no me lo planchaba... Horrible xD He borrado muchas fotos porque me veía horrenda.

    Y aunque tu estilo era radicalmente distinta te veías muy linda con el pelo oscuro (aunque me gustas más de rubia, te dulcifica el rostro).

  7. Well,that makes me don't want to look back at my past XDD
    I'm very ashamed coz I already known how it's like lllorz

    I think you look like an Asian btw XD

  8. Awwww well you look cute anyways! I used to dress like that in 2006/2007 too hahahaha. Emo or whatever, but I also had a "scene" moment too. xD Damn you MySpace!! lol
    Glad to know we are so much alike haha ^^ xoxo

  9. I went through that phase too, but I was an ugly mug back then cause I didn't wear makeup D: (shivering just thinking about it) You still look mad cute in the gothy kinda look haha, you could totally pull off a Nonoka look :)

  10. Hahaha que geniaaal! nino yo tambien pase por ese estilo o momento o lo que sea xD hahahaha me inspiraste para hacer un post! :D bueno el mismo r.r hahahaha te amoooooooooow!!!

  11. Jajajajaja que cambio!!! Yo creo que todos hemos pasado por esa etapa de estilos varios hasta llegar a nuestro sitio!!

    Si antes ya estabas mona, ahora estás guapísima!! La verdad es que a mi no me parece que dieses miedo jajajaja

    besitos guapa!

  12. Oh man, when I see my old pictures, I think': ''I WAS SO UGLYYY! AND I THOUGHT I LOOKED CUTE AT THAT TIME!''
    So every time I think ''Hey I look kinda good today'' I remind myself of those old picture and take those words back. xD


  13. Oh..these posts are awesome, lol. You look like a typical teenie bopper though, lol. I looked wayyyyyyyyy worse than you. I wore flannel shirts and baggy jeans. Ppl thought I was a BOY!

  14. Nino !! nada que ver con ahora! yo estoy igual xD un dia las pondre en mi blog si encuentro ,pero kreo si borre todas XD en fin guapa nino !! TKM !!

  15. ooh! con la foto de cabello cafe y camisa morada !!! yo te conosco de antes!! tenias un sitio de contests o no??? :3

  16. KYAAAA!!!! Eras metalera!! Me encantaaaaaa>o<!!
    Osea, no tendra mucho que ver con el gyaru! pero es un etsilo genialoso tambien! y las otas de la primera foto me enamoraron!! *Combinando esas cosas te haces unos outfits rokku genialosos!!
    Queremos Nina version hard rokku!! jajajaja
    Por cierto, el pelo corto tambien le queda genial a tu cara!
    Muchos besitos linda!! <3

  17. Hola!! vaya cambiazo!! definitivamente ahora estas mucho mas hermosa!!! adoro como te sienta el estilo gyaru ♥

    por cierto, estas nominada!! pasate x mi blog!! ^^

  18. puedes decir lo que quieras, pero esas botas son geniales! irian geniales con mis looks tutuha jajajaj

  19. omg!!!! I can't imagine you XDDDD!! you have to show me those pics Stella hahahahhaha!! XD

  20. awww thank you so much Jenny!!! don't be shy! I don't bite that hard jk XDDD! hahaha!
    Awww I tried Decora once and I looked really dumb ><.. thank god I don't have any pics o__o, it was a big fail XD!!
    Thank you so much for your sweet words ;__; they really motivate me to keep improving *m*!! I'm sure you are going to improve a lot if you put lots of effort :), don't give up and If you need help with anything, I'll be happy to help you :) <3

  21. hahha I know those were the years XDD!!
    and thank you for the compliments *m*! <3 take care Ariana! <3

  22. XDD siiii ese es mi color de cabello natural cuando aun estaba medio vivo... pero siento que me hace ver vieja >//<!!!

  23. Aww enserioo hahahaha!!, yo aun me visto obscura pero no se mota tanto XD (eso creo).. osea ya combino con rosita, corazoncitos y cosas bonitas @__@!!
    Hahah creo que la mayoria seguimos un estilo "obscuro" en alguna etapa de nuestras vidas XDD.. !

  24. awwww nooooo mis fotos del tambien 2005 son un asssscooooo!!! XDD el cabello lo tenia espunjado y tampoco me lo planchaba!! haci que tambien tenia un monton de frizz y estaba mas gorda XDDDDD!! y mi maquillaje apestaba, me ponia delineador negro estilo mapache -___-, y se me corria todo D:!!!
    Siii yo tambien me gusto mas con el cabello claro siento que me hace ver mas joven eh inocente XDDDDDD! hahahah!

  25. XDD hahahahaha!!!! yeah old pics are embarrassing!, for this post I picked the best I could find >.> ....
    Aww really?XD hahaha when I was a baby people thought I was adopted cause I had asian looking eyes @__@!! XD

  26. omg!! myspaceee! XDDDD I think that's why a lot of people from our generation had a "weird style" at some point, myspace did this to us o__o!!!! XDDD!

  27. Looks like you've undergone a big change since you were younger! Sometimes I dig up my old photos too to see how much I have changed over the years too :)

  28. I was very large and had blonde hair back in 2007.


    I think you look kind of cute in an anti-social teen kind of way :)

  29. Haha! Omg I also have those weird straightening back in previous years omgomg...

  30. XDDD awww yeah I remember when I didn't wear make up o__o!!!! bad times, specially bad pictures XDD! wahh!. .
    Thank you! :D! it's funny cause I thought I looked mean and though lol....XD

  31. XDDD sii Miccahh! quiero ver tus fotos de tiempos obscuros o__o!!! me avisas cuando lo pongas XD hahahaha te adoro! <3

  32. Siii!!! XD de hecho tambien trate otros estilos y creo que el que tengo actualemnte es el que mas me gusta a mi y a mi familia XDDDD! hahaha.
    Gracias guapa!! XD en ese entonces me creia ruda y mala XDDDD pero como que no me veo asi DX!!. fail!
    Gracias por comentar *0*!

  33. I knowww right XD? I think most of us are ashamed of our old pics o__o!! it like "what was I thinking!!!!?" XDDD! seriously agggrrh!!
    But I definitely think we look better today I guess we are more aware of how we look o__o! <3 .. hope we still think the same in couple years XDD!!! I can image my kids saying "what were you thinking mom? o__o" XDD hope that doesn't happen >.>

  34. omg!! you changed a lot!!! o__o!!! If someone were show me that pic I wouldn't be able to tell that's you!!
    We definitely look better now :D <3.
    Yeah I was super antisocial... well I'm still are, but at least I don't like I am XDDD! hahaha
