Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Template!! +Disqus+ Pomeranian

Hello Everyone!! notice something different??, Yay! got a new template! :D hope you like it XD I do, It looks more.. humm white? haha Let me know what you think! ^0^. I also want to make a new banner *w* so maybe tomorrow I'm going to take some pics and then will post the 3 that I like the best here and you guys will help me choose the pic that I will put in my new banner ♡♡♡ yay! I also added Disqus! I love to reply to your comments, but the way I had it before wasn't practical XD. So yay :D
Uhh I also want a pomeranian XD, I'm so traumatized with those dogs, they are soooooo cute!! I want a teacup  ♡♡ but my mom says that I can't get one until I get my own place T__T wahh. I need a friend XDD

Uh uh! so today I got my tests results and got an A in both, math and business! yay I'm so smart XD ♡
What a random post LOL.. Oh well thanks for reading my blog!! ♡♡♡♡ and keep eating yummy food *w*..
Aww Italian, Japanese and Mexican= Favorite food ever!!!

Random**My dream car hahahaha


  1. congratulation :)
    this dog is sooo cute, try to encourage parents one more time hehe ;)

  2. Congratulations on your grades! I am horrible at math, so I was lucky just to pass, never mind shooting for an A! Aw, that dog is too cuteee.

  3. Congrats on your grades! I also want a small dog~ I'm obsessed with yorkies and malteses, but I can't have one yet. Haha. My mom says one dog in the house is more than enough. (T__T);; Good luck with everything! (^__^)

  4. Las pomeranias son preciosas! Aunque mi mascota preferida son los chihuahuas xD jaja espero puedas tener el tuyo! luego a los padres no les gusta pero con el tiempo se enamoran de estos animalitos tan cariƱosos!

  5. Your template and that dog is so cute :D!

  6. hahaha XD mi mama dice que voi a aplastar a mi pomeranian XD, y mi padre adoptivo dice que parece rata peluda T__T wahhh. los llebare a la tienda de mascotas y cuando lo vean me lo tendran que comprar *w*!!!!!!!! hahah

  7. Aww thank you, at least you have a dog, I wish I had a pet T__T <3 I need a friend XD hahaha

  8. I'm horrible at math too XD but I think I'm becoming smarter LOL.. (I suck at math !! D:) . I know pomeranian= <3

  9. Yeah I been trying ):, I show them videos pics and real life pomeranians, but they do not want pets wahh T_T

  10. Thank you. It's not my dog.. yet. XD I need a pomeranian!! haha

  11. I want a pomeranion too! they're soo cute!
